- 2011
Change of company name into "Hyundai MSeat"
- 2007
Extension of the factory number 2 in the city of Asan.
- 2005
Incorporation to the Hyundai Motor Group
Company name changed into "Mseat"
- 2002
Completion of the GH factory in the city of Asan.
Company name changed into "Hyundai Automotive" - 2000
Merging of "Sungwoo JungGong" and "Tigernet"
- 2000
Company name changed into "Sungwoo Automotive"
- 1999
Crucial merging of the Ulsan seat factory with the Gyeongju factory
Merging of "Sungwoo Specialized Vehicles"
- 1996
Completion of the Asan seat factory
- 1995
Company name changed into "Sungwoo JungGong"
- 1988
Completion of the Pohang foundry
- 1987
Establishment of "Seohan JungGi"